Jon Fine
TOO LAZY TO WORK. TOO SCARED TO STEAL. Jon has been on the radio, seemingly, since Marconi invented the medium…actually 1978 (college radio) and has worked professionally since 1982. He hosted sports talk shows in Louisiana from 1983—2010. Jon’s resume includes radio work in Philadelphia (college, 1978-82), Tallulah, LA (1982-83), Lake Charles (1983-91, 1998-2010), Baton Rouge (1991-Present) and New Orleans (1999—2009). Jon’s company, Jon Fine Sports Productions (Jon Fine Productions since March 2011), was formed in 1987. Raised just north of Mamou, Louisiana (Valley Stream, NY, 1700 miles north), Jon is a 1978 graduate of South High School and 1982 graduate of Penn, where he majored in Marketing…Student Council President in high school…Played HS Soccer, Sat on 2-17 HS Basketball team (Jon might be the worst HS Basketball player ever)…Top 5% in class in high school, Top 75% in college. In fact, GPA at Penn was lower than Steve Carlton’s ERA…63 years old. Single. Married 5 times—Victoria Principal, Linda Ronstadt, Any McNeese Cowgirl Kicker, Sharon Stone, and Cameron Diaz—Marriages ended when alarm clock went off…One mom—the lovely, talented, and cultured Ma Fine. Jon never inherited these traits from Ma Fine, but did get his big mouth from her.
Jon Fine produces Denham Springs HS broadcasts (on Family Radio, 91.9 FM, Baton Rouge and on the net at, or can be seen on UTube @dsjacketvision….ArrestedDevelopmentMediaGuides is Jon’s EBay store.